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Can You Handle a “No” Like a Pro?

Here’s a question for you: how do you react when someone says “no” to your offer? Do you shrug it off, dig deeper, or run straight for the ice cream? 🍦

One of my clients came to me after a string of rejections that had her feeling like her business was stuck in reverse. Every pitch seemed to hit a brick wall, and she was convinced she was doing something wrong. “Maybe I’m just not cut out for this,” she told me. Sound familiar?

But here’s what I told her - and this is the golden nugget I want you to take away:

“No” is never the end of the conversation. It’s just the beginning of your next move.

We reframed her thinking. Instead of treating each “no” like a dead-end, we treated it like valuable market research with free shipping. Every rejection carried a message - timing, pricing, packaging, or maybe just the wrong audience. So, she learned how to ask better questions after each “no.”  - What could she learn from it? How could she adjust? - We turned it into a game of collecting “no’s” to get to the perfect “yes.”

And guess what? It worked! She landed her dream client after refining her pitch based on those earlier rejections. She realised that resilience isn’t about avoiding “no’s” - it’s about learning from them faster than anyone else.

So, the next time you get a “no,” don’t panic. Smile. It’s just feedback dressed as rejection. Keep moving, keep tweaking, and remember - every “no” is just a speed bump on the way to your best “yes.”


I help business owners turn challenges into opportunities, so they can grow stronger with every "no" and find their perfect "yes."

Contact me here to start turning those "no's" you are getting into game-changing "yes's"!




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