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Is the Fear of Rejection Holding You Back?

Have you ever wondered how many doors you’re keeping closed just to avoid hearing a 'no'?

Here’s the thing about the fear of rejection – it’s not your fault. It comes from a primal part of your brain called the amygdala, which is wired for survival. Back in caveman times, rejection wasn’t just uncomfortable – it was dangerous. Being excluded from the group could mean losing protection, food, or safety, and that could be life-threatening.

In those days, that fear response kept us safe, triggering fight-or-flight reactions to protect us from real threats. But today, rejection isn’t about survival. That same part of your brain is still trying to protect you, but now it’s just running outdated programme of worst-case scenarios on repeat in your mind – things that often never even happen.

Think about it: how often does the worst actually happen? And even if it does, what’s the real consequence? A 'no' isn’t about you – it doesn’t mean you’re not talented or capable. It just means this wasn’t the right fit or timing.

When you focus on avoiding 'no', you stay stuck, missing out on countless opportunities. But when you shift your focus to the 'yes' you’re working toward, something amazing happens – that fear starts to fade, and you gain the courage to take action.

If fear of rejection has been holding you back up until now, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What would I do if I wasn’t afraid of hearing 'no'?

  2. What valuable opportunities am I missing out on by avoiding a 'no'?

  3. How could I grow if I learned to see rejection as part of the journey?

  4. How will I feel when I finally get that 'yes' – and is it worth hearing a few 'no’s' to get there?

  5. What one bold action can I take today to get closer to my goals?

I’s love to hear about what these questions brought up for you, if you’d like to share in the comments or DM me.


If the fear of rejection has been keeping you stuck, reach out – let’s work on building the resilience to keep moving forward, no matter what.



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