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They Tried to Stop Me - So I Showed Them

How many times have you been told you’re not the right “fit” – when what they really mean is, you’re a woman?

For 20 years, prior to becoming a business coach, I worked in male-dominated industries - engineering, project management, leadership. And for 20 years, I had to fight for every step forward.

I was told I was ready for a promotion - but the 4 men who managed the departments I was meant to lead “weren’t comfortable” with a female manager. (Even when I outperformed them, and it had been acknowledged by the CEO.)

I spoke up in meetings – but initially people only paid attention when my idea and words were repeated by a man.

I was questioned, doubted, tested and had to fight attempts to be stopped - not because of my skills, but because I’m a woman...

But the funny thing is – every time they tried to hold me back; I climbed even higher.

I didn’t wait for permission. I lead the way.

I didn’t argue for my worth. I proved it.

And I made one thing crystal clear - what’s in your pants has nothing to do with your performance. Unless you decide it does.

So this International Women’s Day, here’s my message:

✅ Stop waiting to be noticed - show them.

✅ Stop doubting yourself - prove it to yourself first.

✅ Stop asking for permission - give it to yourself.

Because success isn’t handed out. You take it. You make it!

---✨ I’m Vered Ohanna from Success Engineering - helping business owners and executives align their mindset, passion, strategy, and actions for long-term success.




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